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  • 201. Inspiration


  • Category(s): Moral Essays
  • Created on : 29 June 2015
  • File size: 131.53 KB
  • Version: 1.0
  • Downloaded: 312
  • Author: Richard Michael Lamb


What is the meaning of to inspire? To stir and instil in the heart and soul I say. R.M. Lamb argues the message of the Holy Trinity is emblazoned in the polemic of his 201 essays all written and published by him since June 2013.

1. Beginning

The only real and true inspiration comes from God in the Holy undivided Trinity. This lesson had not been learned by the misguided: e.g. the brutal Oliver Cromwell, 17th Century England where he was the Puritan Protector, and before him Henry VIII who strayed into challenging the Pope in the 16th Century after defending Catholicism. His daughter Mary Tudor tried to force England through the eye of the Catholic needle in the same century and was also not properly guided. She went against the English grain.

England has been blessed with good rulers since 1710 under the Whig Protestant ascendancy to the present day. Thus I argue inspiration is generated by a combination of common sense and prayerfulness in communion with this Holy Trinity, be you Catholic or Protestant.

2. The Present Day

Interestingly religious observance has fallen into disuse since the end of the Second World War in our Country. Peacetime has created complacency and a drive for wealth and profit in preference to the sacred value. These quoted misguided rulers were at least religious in outlook and at heart. Will this tide ever turn back to religious duty carried out and believed? That is for others to answer. I may only speak as a serious religious minded essayist yet not widely acknowledged as such. My message is delivered regularly on Kindle and by hard copy.

3. R.M. Lamb Himself

I tread carefully having learned caution since 1972 when I entered my last university year. This trepidation, not fear, has grown after the experience of being jostled out of the Criminal Bar in 1982, and my various medical adventures in the 1980’s and 1995, which taught me my own words are subordinate to God’s own word and His overriding Kingship. I am someone who thinks, speaks and writes since 1972 with increasing eloquence and articulate rhetoric. I know how to deliver the speech on paper to be read by others, or in conversation formally or informally or in Court in my Law career, or wherever I now get the chance to expound my message.

4. The Inspiration

By reading, more than several persons know, my essays. What is the inspiration for these 201 essays? It lies with the Holy Trinity itself without doubt and none other. That does not make me a Saint, King or Prophet. The very humble beginnings of these essays in June 2013 foretold no such inspiration. They very nearly came to grief in August 2013. I argue they were saved and guarded through to 1 March 2014, and then from 1 November 2014 to date by the protection of this Supreme Trinity as is now becoming clear to me and some others. The very continuation of these essays of mine to now and beyond is the proof of this protection, and thereby the inspiration from Heaven to me. It has become impossible to argue against this inspired case for my essays. Even the essays themselves go practically un-contradicted, save on some few points of detail. The main thrust is overwhelming, even though I say so myself.

People may have their reservations I agree, but no one has taken R.M. Lamb on save one or two recipients of our Death Sentence standard letter in 2014 who quarrelled with us. The majority who wrote in and called us on that issue were in favour of my secession from the EU, repeal the ECHR and Death Sentence policy. The same goes for those canvassed by me face to face since 1 July 2014 and earlier. Thus the inspiration for my policy and essay writing is borne out by this positive public reaction which had been hidden hitherto. It has been unmasked and it is friend not foe. That is the Holy Trinity at work.

5. The Inspiration Further Understood

Christ works methodically and sensibly if we give Him the chance. He does not want us to run around like religious zealots. He wishes me to trust myself whilst all men doubt me, yet make allowance for that doubting too. I have proved I can do that time and again after 63 years on this Earth. That is inspiration from Christ not visions, apparitions and martyrdoms made foolishly glorious. I am a tried and tested Officier in Christ’s Armeé indeed of la plus haute classe sur la terre. The clouds are not parting; there is no dove or concealed voice of God. This is straight forward.

6. Conclusion

There is only R.M. Lamb who puts his argument together as only he may do so, and he has done for forty three odd years of Law and study at university (Politics and Modern History) and now essay writing. I don’t come to prosecute in court. I come to defend the Death Penalty of old in England & Wales and then restore it. I have good reasons for my case. Rest assured I bring Law and Order not mayhem. I and my following will guard the vulnerable and exposed. We will not fail to do so with the Trinity as our Leadership and by our side.