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My Self Analysis of the R.M. Lamb Essays (168) sine 19th June 2013

  • Category(s): Moral Essays
  • Created on : 07 March 2015
  • File size: 127.1 KB
  • Version: 1.0
  • Downloaded: 305
  • Author: Richard Michael Lamb


These essays have been born of R.M. Lamb’s mind, hands and his eternal soul’s joint endeavours.

1. Starting Point June 2013

We had just closed the Law Practice (25th May 2013) and I was not in the habit of writing political and historical polemics, and I did not expect to become an essayist in May 2013. I had left university where I studied Politics and Modern History in June 1973. This was a new venture in essay writing for R.M. Lamb, with no one to assist me save my Temon Estate team of secretaries and one publisher in-house at Temon. There was unfinished business from the Law Firm to distract my attention from essays. We had just – at the end of May 2013 – collected the R.A. Lamb literary papers which would require considerable collation and archiving by our designated archivists, the first of whom worked 1st June 2013 to 31st March 2014 on these papers. The core Temon Cumbria activity required attention also. Thus at the very start we had a lot on our plate. To give these essays my undivided attention required brief spells of concentration for the preparation and writing in 2013.

The essays were usually no more than 8-10 pages of handwriting double line spaced. Sometimes the syntax was a little lacking. The speed and rate of essay production I set myself demanded the essays, once written and corrected, should be sent out quickly by hard copy and on Kindle. The secretarial team quickly adapted to this unfamiliar task. The publisher we had for Kindle left on 5th August 2013 within two months of the essays start date. All in all during the period of the very beginning of essays in June and July and early August 2013, we set a precedent of efficient literary product and original writing as well.


The medical panel of 13th August 2013 was also not anticipated in any way, but it appeared later, to at least one observer, those essays formed the drive behind that mental health panel hearing being arranged. If that was the case the essays were thought dangerously worded and bordering on recklessly phrased and drafted. Clearly they were in the event considered acceptable polemic. If they were thought to cause alarm and distress in a wanton manner, my liberty would have been constrained as someone who was in jeopardy to himself. Were the essays mere drivel? No one said this amongst our confederates and recipients – indeed several reacted positively. The essays passed this Panel’s test of sanity.

3. The Non-Responders

Just because someone does not respond to a letter sent to him or an article in a publication, does not mean they have not read it, nor does it infer they disagree or agree with that writing. The same applies to these R.M. Lamb essays and many recipients have not replied. That is their right. So we are left with a body of persons who are the majority and have not replied, yet they may be in the category above of silent readers who have reserved judgement.

4. Mailing the Public

As is known we did this mailing exercise between 1st July and 31st October 2014 by standard letters in the post seeking support for leaving the EU, Repealing the Human Rights edifice, and restoring the Death Sentence for murder alone. (20,000 plus addressees mailed in the South East of England.) We had a few favourable responses in writing and rather less in writing against. We were sending a short letter and no essay. The silent majority were the largest group by far. We also had several phone calls both for and against.


The total compilation of R.M. Lamb essays now stands at more than 350 pages of A4 typescript. The collection is still being added to by R.M. Lamb. The second essay phase began on 1st November 2014. We have come a long way since the 13th August 2013 panel which left me free to continue to write essays.

6. The Biblical Analogies

Yes, the writer R.M. Lamb’s vine of creativity has been “pruned to bear more fruit” by my self criticism and the expressed critiques of others in my life generally, and especially in regard to these essays. I do not fail to heed constructive criticism. I consider it of immense value however it comes to me. Yes “the grain of wheat must fall to the ground and die for the rich harvest to grow up”. What does this mean? Firstly, the sower has the seed corn of creativity in his sack. I argue this sower is He who prompts me the writer i.e. the Holy Spirit. When He sows this seed of potential creativity, and it reaches fertile ground, the seeds will germinate and the crop will grow up. If the seed germinates the individual essay of R.M. Lamb will emerge from the mental embryo in my mind to form a blueprint and idea for that writing in particular. The process of writing unites with the emergence of original thought which drives the former for myself. The essay is forged essentially by the fusion of the essay subject matter, the fresh thinking in myself and the committal of the words to paper again by myself. Thus, it is the writing on paper which is the zenith and crux of the procedure – the opposite to the old adage: “never put it in writing”. For me also the essay should be processed and imaged. To R.M. Lamb it must be put in writing and I will not stop until I have done that piece.

7. The Grain of Wheat Revisited

Yes the ripe crops to be harvested are the finished and distributed works of R.M. Lamb as they go out to our readers. The grain dies in the botanic and well known process. Thus the grain of wheat dies to recreate itself a hundred fold, as the Bible tells us, so we put ourselves last as I do in my essays. For me self serving writing has no long lasting value. The heart of the matter is the “planting of the seed” or understanding the message from Heaven of the Holy Trinity: Thus each of my essays is inspired and the impetus to write at all has been created. This “planting” is the very opposite of the policeman supposedly “planting” illegal drugs on an alleged offender in years gone by. It is the age old custom of ploughing the earth and scattering the seed as the hymn goes. It is turning virgin land to the use of mankind. We may have no virgin land left, but in our hearts and minds there is plenty. I work on “this land” to germinate these ideas again and again. I used to be a legal professional and a hybrid lawyer of the written word and spoken. Now I am an advocate exclusively of the written word and no lawyer anymore. Such is the evolution of my career yet I have no public life in the pure sense.

8. Our Creativity in Any Form

Namely writing, art, sculpture, drama, music, film making and fashion will, if of real value, follow the same rhythm and beat. I am no historian of note nor are my works capable of the title journalism by any chalk. I am a simple ecrivain and avocat passée as the French write.

9. Conclusion

Why do I write? Primarily to persuade by exhortation which has a particular meaning and method to myself. I am writing for those with open not closed minds, who, like the fair-minded Judge, will give me a proper hearing. There is no point me “preaching” to those who will never listen nor admit they are wrong. As for those on the side of my writing I will reinforce their beliefs and loyalty to Christ, and they may be reassured by my strengthening of their security.

10.The True R.M. Lamb

Truly I have emerged finally in these essays and I am in the business of persuasion, but I recognise this requires resonance, precision, the clarion call, rhetoric, elocution and the beat of the different drum with the standard held high above for all to see by the Bearer. Running through my essays are Catholicism, altruism, freedom of debate, valour and the fruits of true human suffering, with the cardinal and leading virtue of Justice at the forefront. Now the attempt on the “summit” is close at hand and the “base camp” is secured. The “peak” is untouched by human hand. When the weather is right we will strike out for the top. We will conquer this “mountain” so high never assailed before. Then the descent will be controlled to bring myself and my companions safely down the slopes.